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My ^New^ Global Prescription - Pt. 2

Writer: CWF AlumniCWF Alumni

by: Kimberly Phelan '18

Single. Taken. In A Relationship With Jesus. ✔

Pre-Fellowship, I was in a pretty bad relationship with a boy and with Jesus—but I didn’t know it. I had been “talking” to this guy for five years (yes, I know, I heard the same thing from all of my friends—why are you putting yourself through this? Move on.) but I was “happy”. I enjoyed spending time with him. However, upon further reflection, I realized that I was trying so hard to make things work with him, that I had completely stopped trying to make things work with Him. Time after time, I begged God to make it work between us. I know he doesn’t go to church. I know he tries to convince me that the Church is just a guideline. But he loves me.

Well. Surprise. He didn’t.

During the Fellowship, I was having a rough time one evening after night prayer. I was walking out of the chapel, and one of my fellows came up and asked what was wrong. I explained where I was at and what I was feeling. All I remember was him telling me, “But imagine how overjoyed Christ is that He has you all to Himself now. You can focus completely on Him without distractions.” It was in that moment that I realized how far I had let myself fall away from my journey to Heaven.

I am now at a point in my life where I realize that being in a relationship with Jesus is the most important thing in my life. The Fellowship helped me to create that relationship anew, and since then, I have been able to recognize how important that is in my life. As I reflect on every aspect of my life, I realize that some of my friends no longer see eye-to-eye with me on things, and at times I feel alone. I go to mass alone because they are too busy. I do bible reflections alone because my bible study has been cancelled for the fourth week in a row. I realized that Jesus is the one person I can depend on to always, always be there for me.

It doesn’t matter if I have a boyfriend right now, and it doesn’t matter if I have someone to chat about the sale at Bath & Body Works with. I have Jesus to talk to. He is my best friend right now, and I am OK with that.


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